hi, it is me again, [:kimiko:].
Nice to see you again!
I said last time , next video is about each nine star ki, but sorry.
Todays video is about this year, 2020.
in 9star ki, year period is always on feb, 3rd. Not december 31.
Because , as I said last time, we are using lunar calendar.
So, 2020 starts from feb 4th.
today I want to give you some tips for this year.
2020 is 7.metal/ Shichiseki Kinsei
[:7. metal:], we called [:Shichiseki Kinsei:],
It is in the middle this year.
Shichiseki indicates [: plesure, money, oral, communication and entertainment:].
By the way, this prediction is extremely closed to yijing(易経).
Below is the matrix of shichiseki kinsei, each place has direction and meaning.
Shichiseki kinsei is on the [:5.earth/ go-ou dosei(五黄土星):].
"5.earth" indicates [:central, corruption,lost job, trouble:] etc....
then, where is "5.earth"? it is on the "3.wood/ san-peki mokusei" .
[:3.wood:] indicates [:shapeless, sounds, electronics, correspondence, information:]...
Especially in march, year-matrix and month-matrix was the same,
so it was more powerful and very strong.
Therefore, to spread false rumour would be possibly happened this year,
specially on March.
mask are scarce worldwide
lots of entertainment are suspended or canceled
money trouble
false rumour is running such as no toilet paper
Really i have no idea where we are going to.
Whatever, the important point is
Do not have suprematism.
Please respect to other people.
by the way. . .
as many fortune teller says,
2020 will be a turning point year with histrical view.
2020/ Ne / 子
In 2020, the zodiac is mouse.
In japan, mouse called "nezumi" or "ne", the letter is "子".
the letter[:子:] is able to divide into two words, "了 " and " 一 ".
the first One [:了:] is called ryo , means finish.
Another one [:一:] is called ichi, means beginning.
So it means [:finish and begin:] something.
However, what is begin ?
I dont know either, maybe nobody knows yet but I can say it will be not very totally new one. It is something new with changing.
And 2nd key point is
[:do NOT something by ALONE, do something with OTHERS:]
Who is others?
. . . Whoever!
with Your family, friends, coworker, of course your comptetive or rival,
... really,Whoever.
Do with someone when you want or have to do something.
To do the things Alone, do by your own yourself...
it is strictly bad for you in this year.
Currently we are facing weird virus trouble, but we have to find solution together
it is not only anti-virus, also how we survive with pleasure and love.
meaning of reiwa [:令和:]
the 3rd key point, Is Harmony.
In japan, we are using own year code.
The new year code, since 2019, called rei wa [:令和:],
Rei (令) means zero and wa (和) means harmony.
It is so meaningful! Isnt it? Whatever....
and also we can say,
Rei (令) is able devided into two [:今:] and [:I:].
[:今:] is in english, now or current.
[:I:] is one or ownself, I.
Therefore, you(I) are living now(今) and playing harmony with someone.
You are not alone.
if you feel loneliness now, Look around your surroundings again.
and then Ask yourself,
[:Are you trying to listen to your family, partners, friends or coworker's voice? :]
[:Are you trying to take care of them? :]
and you feel still loneliness, then, just email me!
let's talk!!
well, thank you for visiting my blog.
see yaaaaaa~~~~~ :3
Hi [:friends:], I am [:kimiko:],the owner of [:kitu:]. I am fortune 9Star-Ki Feng-Shui teller and palm reading, Japanese tutor in Taiwan.
9 Star Ki is not only Feng-Shui but also mindset. You can find personal daily lucky-things in this site. Whatever .... the most important point is, " Learn and Do it!"
Let's learn 9 Star Ki here and get more happy days!
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