

 Hi [:friends:]! I am  [:kimiko:], owner of this website! (o^w^o)//

We, japanese, are very sensitive about "Ki/気", 
pronounce as key, 
in chinese shows 'Qi'.
As you know there are so many phrases or words exist related "ki/気" in japanese.

seimei shrine/kyoto


ki ni naru/気になる.. be on one's mind
ki wo tsukeru/気をつける.. pay attention
ki gakari/気がかり.. concern

KY, 'kuki wo yomu/空気をよむ" means 'read the situation/sense the mood'.
both situation either sense are invisible.

You can find more "ki" words/phrases more and more!

We can not say what the 'Ki' is exactly...  
however, can feel what the 'Ki' is.

Ki is energy.

Energy in the universe.

My website [:kitu:]. stands for  [: Ki in the Universe :].

This site is about ki/気, [:yi-jing, i-ching or the books of changes/易経:], using [: 9 Star Ki Feng-Shui /九星気学風水:] with [:buddhism/仏教:] and [: oriental thoughts/東洋思想:] from this website.

These thoughts are all from my mentor,  Yukinori Murayama.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime!

[:the owner:]

My photo
Hi [:friends:], I am [:kimiko:],the owner of [:kitu:]. I am fortune 9Star-Ki Feng-Shui teller and palm reading, Japanese tutor in Taiwan. 9 Star Ki is not only Feng-Shui but also mindset. You can find personal daily lucky-things in this site. Whatever .... the most important point is, " Learn and Do it!" Let's learn 9 Star Ki here and get more happy days! アラフィフにしてあまり考えずに無謀にも台湾単身移住を決行。(輪重吉方ですよ!)手相観、姓名鑑定もします。 2017年より台湾で日本語教師をしながら、故:村山幸徳先生の気学を広めています。 一般社団法人 社会運勢学会 会員


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