
How to keep your health healthy? Try my advice!

Monday, August 3, 2020

2020 5 elements 9star gogyo murayama kigaku

t f B! P L
Do you have any trouble with your health?

Just in case, especially this year, I want for everyone to care of your eyes. 
If you feel tired, please take a rest and massage your eyes. 

2020, 9.Fire having disgraceful part

This year, 9.Fire, Kyushi Kasei/九紫火星 is in West and opposite side of 5.Eearth/Go-ou.

so in this year, 9.Fire is having, what we called, [: An ken satsu /暗 剣 殺 :]  ill-omened, disgraceful part. 

You might know, each star is having in charge of the part of human body.

One of Kyushi/九紫 part is  [: the upper part from neck :], 
so the neck and  the head including brain,  of course, and the heart.

2020 year-base matrix

Moreover, due to corona virus, 
We can say our time for computer/smart phone is terrifically increasing, don't you think so?
Then... which part is the most damaged? .... eyes !!!

Some people might say, it is brain.
I can say absolutely WRONG. NO.

It is proven by brain science that the brain does not know exhaustion, be hard worker like heart.
They are working 24hours, even we are sleeping.

So when you feel tired by using brain too much, actually the correct reason is cause of using your eyes too much, not brain.


If you feel illness, such as headache, constipation, shoulder stiffing ...

Don't you give up sort of syndrome cause of hard work or your constitution??

You can be keeping your health healthy!!

You know, healthy person is having balanced energy and they are just luck of it.

So, it is just to take luck energy to get the balanced right!

HOW to get the balanced energy?

Touch to the Earth 

Tottori sakyu, in Japan. do you see small whale shaping island??

First, Touch the Earth.

It is very simple and easy way. just try to touch the earth.

I said last video, the Earth is tolerant like mother and absorbs water. 
Our body power absorbs earth energy thus, our body consists 60~70% water.

How to touch?

To eat beans, cereals and green vegetable!
These foods are from earth, they makes your body.

How about to grow plants such as tomato, cucumber, beans?
Yeap! that would be great, wonderful!! Just Do it!!!

I grew basil and it became sooo big! +。:.゚٩(๑>◡<๑)۶:.。+゚

Second, walk or do consciously with your feet!

I suppose you to do some kinds of sports, walking/jogging/dance/tennis/golf.. 
whatever some action touching to earth!

The point is,  

[: feel mother earth through soles of your feet :].

In the point of view from Fengshui/風水, 
Earth/土星 star is Goou/五黄, Jikoku/二黒  and Happaku/八白.

The key area is [: SouthWest :]
SW is Jikoku/二黒, in charge of mother earth.

So, I suggest you to change your room color to [: ivory, brown ,yellow, beige :] , in SW direction of your room/home.
And,  [:tatami goods:]  would make your comfortable!

sagrada familia park, in spain

Finally, the most important point is,

[: Try them one month at least :]

why one month?

Because, the human body cell update is around 28days.
And, to keep plugging away or to do consistently on regular basis is one meaning of Jikoku.

Got it ?????

Okay, Let's call it a day, thank you for visiting my blog!

[:the owner:]

My photo
Hi [:friends:], I am [:kimiko:],the owner of [:kitu:]. I am fortune 9Star-Ki Feng-Shui teller and palm reading, Japanese tutor in Taiwan. 9 Star Ki is not only Feng-Shui but also mindset. You can find personal daily lucky-things in this site. Whatever .... the most important point is, " Learn and Do it!" Let's learn 9 Star Ki here and get more happy days! アラフィフにしてあまり考えずに無謀にも台湾単身移住を決行。(輪重吉方ですよ!)手相観、姓名鑑定もします。 2017年より台湾で日本語教師をしながら、故:村山幸徳先生の気学を広めています。 一般社団法人 社会運勢学会 会員


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