
2021 forecast prediction [: KANOTO/辛 :] [: USHI/丑 :] [: 6.Metal/Roppaku Kinsei 六白金星 :]

Thursday, March 25, 2021

t f B! P L

 Hello, it is me, [:kimiko:] from [:kitu:].,

Hope you are fine~~ 
Today's video is about this year, 2021.

In the view of 9star ki, i can explain the forecast in three parts.


  • 1st, the energy of [: TEN/天 :], means [: universe , sky :]
  • 2nd, the energy of [: CHI/地 :],  means [: earth :]
  • 3rd, the energy of  [: JIN/人 :]  , means [: people including animals and plants :]


these 3 parts , in total, what we called

[: TENCHIJIN/天地人 :]



Let's look one by one.


1st. the Energy of Universe/Sky. 

this energy has 10 types.
this year is [: KANOTO/辛 :] , this chinese letter originally from AX.


This letter means "severe" "new". so that we can say, this year would be very hard, tough year for everyone.


From this letter, another letter was made, what we called, "shin/新”. 

This letter shows a person cuts tree with an ax and creates something another new one., it means "new". 
That is,  we are going to cut something extra things and make another new life style or new life stage by corona virus.


It can be said that the previous stage will never return.


Always in kanoto year , we faced very critical things.


What happened recent kanoto year??

  • 2011, 3.11 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, 
  • 2001, 9.11 September 11 attacks
  • 1991,  the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics fell


As a result, the year of Kanoto can be very demanding around the world.


2nd. the Energy of Earth

this energy has 12 types, 
yea, it is same as Chinese zodiac but letter is NOT same one.


This year is [: USHI/丑 :]

This chinese letter is a shape that bends the hand fingertips with force and takes things strongly. So, you can imagine, a baby be out from mom's belly, benting elbows and then tries to get something for the first time.  


That is, "USHI" means notl only "tie" "strings" but "start" and "take".


We can say, this year would, now we know corona virus is not easy-simple nor temporary virus anymore, we will be getting used to be with mask-life and recognize this would be creating one of our new life style .

Though it is not easy way, of course. we would do try, and repeat trial and error, trial and error. It takes time... very very much, maybe.


Because "USHI" is cow, ox, not fast-action animal.but finally we can make new life style.


3rd. the Energy of People/Animals/Plants

This year is [: 6.Metal/Roppaku 六白 :]. now you know that!


Yes, last year was "7 Metal/Shichi seki", it was also Metal year. so both related to money and economy. But Roppaku means "fair" "honest" "politics" "rights" .


So, this year would be also money year but, the key is, political or administration or government power.

In Japan, yea, Tokyo Olympic. In my opinion, there will not hold.


Murayama school sees society and world trend 


Most of astrology, holoscope or anything what we called fortune telling, the words are usually only for  personal telling. But our Murayama kigaku is NOT.


Murayama kigaku learner we consider not only personal but society and world trend.


We live in social, we always have many relationships with others opponent such as family, work, friend and neighbor.


All of the trouble is an issue of interpersonal relationship . Even recluse like hermit , tell the truth, I have to worry about the eyes of others.


as Alfred Adler says, it is very important  to understand what is going on our environment.  


Anyway.. this is year we have to seek some new way to survivie new life stage using cloud or IT tools.


this Roppaku Metal year, it is only government monetary easying will not make sense. but it is not easy, maybe it would not be done, not able to reach the target within this year. Possibly, next year. Next year 2022 we can see the shape.


okay, let's call it today.

thank you so much and see you soon~~~


[:the owner:]

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Hi [:friends:], I am [:kimiko:],the owner of [:kitu:]. I am fortune 9Star-Ki Feng-Shui teller and palm reading, Japanese tutor in Taiwan. 9 Star Ki is not only Feng-Shui but also mindset. You can find personal daily lucky-things in this site. Whatever .... the most important point is, " Learn and Do it!" Let's learn 9 Star Ki here and get more happy days! アラフィフにしてあまり考えずに無謀にも台湾単身移住を決行。(輪重吉方ですよ!)手相観、姓名鑑定もします。 2017年より台湾で日本語教師をしながら、故:村山幸徳先生の気学を広めています。 一般社団法人 社会運勢学会 会員


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