
the profit by knowing 9 Star-Ki

Saturday, November 16, 2019

t f B! P L
 Do you have any trouble now?
Are you annoyed with something?
Are you afraid of something?

2012 tottori sakyu, Tottori-pref.

I think almost all people come to see my blog have  problems.

Today i'd like to explain the benefit by learning 9star-ki.

By using 9star ki... you able to do the listed below;
  •  Understand personal type.
In the past, you might have experience that you don't understand other people's behavior why they do so, or also to yourself why you do so.
 So, it helps you to understand why the person did or said so, and you may accept each personality. Also, you can find what is the most appropriate words , how to conduct to them.

  • Know every day's lucky color/foods/number/place and direction
Not only yourself, but also your partner, family, pet.
It may also be useful for business meeting

  • Know the date/time of your execution
It helps you to develop your things... it is useful for not having direction. such as contract, open new/reopen store, application, subscription... of course it is effective new mobile, electronics, car, clothes.

  • Easy to learn yi-jing 
yi-jing is made of 64 hexagrams( guà) and 6 stacked horizontal lines ( yáo). 
64 hexagrams are from 8 trigrams x 8 trigrams. All 8 trigrams are very related to 9star-ki.

  • Change your mind or motivation
Ki makes you change your point of view.
You can understand different perception, in other words, how you feel and receive things would be changed.
Ki would give you essence to become your life more positive.

  • Change your life
By change your mind, your conduct would also change
By change your conduct, your circumstances would also be changed
By change your circumstances, your life would also be change

The Chance is always in your mind

Just learn and try to follow your ki of 9star-ki everyday, 3 months at least.
you would feel your life would be better than before.

[:the owner:]

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Hi [:friends:], I am [:kimiko:],the owner of [:kitu:]. I am fortune 9Star-Ki Feng-Shui teller and palm reading, Japanese tutor in Taiwan. 9 Star Ki is not only Feng-Shui but also mindset. You can find personal daily lucky-things in this site. Whatever .... the most important point is, " Learn and Do it!" Let's learn 9 Star Ki here and get more happy days! アラフィフにしてあまり考えずに無謀にも台湾単身移住を決行。(輪重吉方ですよ!)手相観、姓名鑑定もします。 2017年より台湾で日本語教師をしながら、故:村山幸徳先生の気学を広めています。 一般社団法人 社会運勢学会 会員


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